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GIs & Basmati Rice: Relevance to Canadian Food Producers
GIs & Basmati Rice: Relevance to Canadian Food Producers

Who is entitled to be a GI rightsholder? What are GI or territorial zones and how do these issues relate to product registrations? If you have an interest in food based GIs, read more here.

Global IP cases in 2019 and Implications for the future of International IP

To read this article published by the Les Cahiers De Propriete Intellectuelle and written by Marsha Cadogan and Konstantia Koutouki, visit the journal’s website here.

CIPR Vol#35: Prospects and Limits of Blockchain Technologies in Global Protection of Food-based GIs

Authored by Marsha S. Cadogan, the article on blockchain technologies intersection with geographical indications is available for download from IPIC’s Canadian Intellectual Property Review webpage (published March 11, 2020). The article deals with (i) blockchain…

What the Lisbon Agreement means for Geographical Indications Protection

Recent news that the European Union (EU) will join the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications, ( Lisbon Agreement ) on Feb. 26, 2020, has once again put a spotlight on GI designations

Geographical Indications in Canada, the EU, India, Switzerland and Serbia: A Brief Comparision of Legal Frameworks

Serbia has done what no other jurisdiction has done before – used its GI framework to register a service in the health tourism area. Can this be done elsewhere? A lot depends on getting rid of a tunnel vision approach to GI protection. Only then, it may be a more usable form of IP in the Canadian economy.